Some of the possible uses for our glowstones

10 Thoughts on Project Gallery

  1. Please send information about an exterior use of the glow stones in a cast in place concrete pool deck.

    • Hi Dennis,

      We recommend using either the tumbled glass, available here , or the plastic classic stones, available here. The tumbled glass has a very natural look and available in 4 different sizes, it should treated as any typical aggregate. The plastics stones have smoother surfaces and look less natural.

  2. Can your aqua glow pigment be mixed in a clear base like epoxy? I would like add to my concrete basement floor.

  3. Hello
    I have a sun that I made in my drive way and was going to do the strips in grass, but now I’m interested in the glow stones. My question is, how do they get finished into the concrete. They should be troweled in to flush out on the surface correct? I know from doing concrete finish work that the cream would cover the stones. Would you then have to finish it like an exposed aggregate finish and spray the cream off with water?

    Mahalo, Shawn

    • You would treat the glowstones like any exposed aggregate. The cream can be removed like you would polish or with water.

  4. Which stones are used in the glowing milky way?

    • Use our tumbled glass glowstones. We recommend medium size. Use approximately 1lb for every 16sqft.

  5. Hello- I am thinking of decorating a pathway with your stones.. Which colors are the brightest in order? thanks!

    • We typically hear that green is the brightest, but deep blue remains the most popular.


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